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Phage-host Interaction Analysis

As the most abundant biological entity on earth, phages exert tremendous predatory pressure on their hosts. This pressure plays a crucial role in the evolution, diversity, and abundance of bacteria. Phages have many effects on their hosts: they can lyse host cells to release new virions, transfer genes between hosts, and form lysogens that can change host functions. In some cases, phages can transfer disease-causing genes between pathogenic and unstable strains to promote the spread of bacterial infections. phages also alter ecosystem functions through the high levels of bacterial mortality they cause. Bacteria lysed by phages will release their contents, so these contents will be eliminated by other bacteria instead of being incorporated into bacteria-eating eukaryotes. Due to the biological properties of phages, phage preparations have also been introduced into the medicine, biotechnology, and food industries, but this has prompted the need for a thorough characterization of phage-host interactions at the molecular level.

Our Services

With the help of our powerful analysis capabilities and equipment in phages, we can provide global customers with competitive services and significantly reduce customer development costs. The phage-host interaction analysis services are tailored to different phage projects. Our services are listed as follows, but are not limited to:

  • Analysis of phage-host interaction by Raman tweezers
  • Phage-host interaction studies using the microfluidic platform
  • Phage–host interactome analyzed by network based-approach model
  • Phage-host Interaction through metagenomics analyses
  • Phage-host Interaction through phage RNA sequencing

Our Analysis Technologies

  • Raman Tweezers Analysis

Raman spectroscopy of phage has been used to observe the lysis of individual bacterial cells caused by phage infection. This method demonstrates the potential for rapid detection of the interaction of phages with individual optically restricted bacteria. We use Raman tweezers to fix the studied bacteria on the focus of the Raman excitation beam and observe the spectral changes caused by the phage-host interaction.

Raman analysis of Staphylococcus aureus cells infected with phages and of the underlying processesFig 1. Raman analysis of Staphylococcus aureus cells infected with phages and of the underlying processes (Pilat Z, et al. 2020)
  • Metagenomics Analyses

Metagenomic analyses is used for classification analysis (diversity and abundance) and functional analysis. This sophisticated technology allows parallel analysis of DNA from all organisms in the community, and species-level detection with high coverage.

Network of prophage and their prokaryotic hosts.Fig 2. Network of prophage and their prokaryotic hosts. (Motlagh A M, et al. 2017)

What We Provide

  • Site description and sediment sampling
  • Characteristics of the environmental sample
  • Phage isolation and nucleic acid extraction
  • Prophage identification and analysis
  • We provide phage isolation, purification, and proliferation data
  • Other information requested by the customer

Creative Biolabs can meet the needs of customers for providing phage-host interaction analysis services on time and on budget. Our skilled and dedicated scientific researchers ensure that the most suitable methods and techniques are selected for each professional for your project. If necessary, please feel free to contact us.


  • Pilat Z, Jonas A, Pilatova J, et al. Analysis of phage–Host Interaction by Raman Tweezers[J]. Analytical chemistry, 2020, 92(18): 12304-12311.
  • Motlagh A M, Bhattacharjee A S, Coutinho F H, et al. Insights of phage-host interaction in hypersaline ecosystem through metagenomics analyses[J]. Frontiers in microbiology, 2017, 8: 352.

Please kindly note that our services can only be used to support research purposes (Not for clinical use).

Biophage Technology

Creative Biolabs is a globally recognized phage company. Creative Biolabs is committed to providing researchers with the most reliable service and the most competitive price.

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