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T7 Phage Display System Construction

T7 phage is an icosahedral virus of the Podoviridae family, with a linear double-stranded (ds) DNA genome. Similar to T4, phage T7 has a head and tail structure. The icosahedral head of T7 conserves its dsDNA genome is composed of 415 copies of capsid gp10, arranged as 60 hexamers on the surface and 11 pentamers at the apex. The main coat protein gp10 has two isotypes, gp10A and gp10B, with a ratio of 9 to 1, caused by a natural translation frameshift at amino acid 341. The minor protein gp10B is caused by a frameshift at the end of the gene, making the capsid protein 52 residues longer. The fusion protein is displayed on the 52 extra residues C-terminal protein gp10B. In this way, it can avoid problems related to steric hindrance. T7 phage particles exhibit high stability under various extreme conditions, including high temperature and low pH, which contribute to effective high-throughput affinity elutriation.

Detailed structure of T7 phage.Fig 1. Detailed structure of T7 phage. (Deng X, et al. 2018)

Our Services

Creative Biolabs provides high quality T7 phage display system construction services. Our experts have a high level of knowledge and experience in phage display. Our services are listed as follows but are not limited to:

  • 10B protein-mediated phage display system construction
  • Custom T7 phage display system construction
  • T7 select breast cancer cDNA library construction
  • T7 select colon tumor cDNA library construction
  • T7 select liver cancer cDNA library construction
  • T7 Select human breast cDNA library construction

T7 Has Obvious Advantages Over M13

  • Lytic phage expressed in the cytoplasm
  • C-terminal fusion
  • Large vector cloning capacity
  • Stable insert
  • Flexible elution conditions
  • Rapid growth (less than 3 hours), large plaques
  • Very high packaging efficiency (>109 pfu/ug)
  • High cloning efficiency


The latest application of T7 phage display system helps to reveal the mechanism of molecular interaction, it is used in many fields, such as:

  • Antigen discovery
  • Vaccine development
  • Protein interaction
  • Cancer diagnosis and treatment
T7 Phage Display System Construction

Our Advantages

  • Unique pre-made library
  • There are high, medium and low copy expressions for customers to choose
  • High packaging efficiency, good library representation
  • Reasonable price, which can save more cost for users

Creative Biolabs can meet the needs of customers for providing T7 phage display system construction services on time and on budget. Our skilled and dedicated scientific researchers ensure that the most suitable methods and techniques are selected for each professional for your project. If necessary, please feel free to contact us.


  • Deng X, Wang L, You X, et al. Advances in the T7 phage display system[J]. Molecular medicine reports, 2018, 17(1): 714-720.

Please kindly note that our services can only be used to support research purposes (Not for clinical use).

Biophage Technology

Creative Biolabs is a globally recognized phage company. Creative Biolabs is committed to providing researchers with the most reliable service and the most competitive price.

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